Janet Lewis
4 min readMar 23, 2020


Be Your Own Boss

Find What Works For You

The struggle is real people. Starting your own business or working from home is no joke. People who have never attempted this path think life is easy.

  • You are your own boss.
  • You get to do whatever you want.
  • You can take any day off that you don’t want to work.
  • You can go on vacation anytime.
  • You get to make every single decision about your life and business.

Sounds great right? Living the life. Making your dreams come true.

And, don’t get me wrong it can be an amazing life, but it presents different struggles then having a regular day to day job.

For example:

  • You spend so many hours, days or weeks on your own that it can become lonely.
  • You are trying to be productive and get shit done but there are so many distractions that are creeping into your work space or life. Like that laundry pile that is sitting there, the dishes that need to get done or wait your cute puppy wants to play.
  • You might find yourself working ALL THE TIME, and you love it BUT you are not taking breaks and have let friendships or relationships slide. You are not doing a great job at managing your time to make sure you are also doing other things you love.
  • You can do whatever you want all day, so you just go with the flow. Do what you want, when you want BUT that doesn’t get you to where you want to be. It feels like you are just spinning your wheels but not moving forward.
  • You find yourself wasting an entire day or two fixing that stupid printer that you just want to throw out the window because it frustrates the hell out of you and always chooses to jam when you have a tight timeline or are just running out the door to a meeting. You are now tech support.

One of the best things you can do when you start your own business or work from home is figure out and put in place systems that work for you. You might not know what these systems are or how to put them in place but don’t worry I want to help you do that.

A lot of organizations are telling their employees to work from home because of the COVID-19 Virus — which is a good thing BUT I realize that people might need some help to move through the struggles of starting to work from home or working from home for extended time periods. It is different to work from home one day a week vs. every single day for weeks on end.

I feel bad for all the people that have suddenly been mandated to work from home and might struggle with it. I want to help people through this crazy time so at the end of it all — it will hopefully minimize the impact to them and their family. It is important for employees to still be productive as much as they can so when they do return to work there are not additional cut backs or layoffs.

I wanted to be able to help in some way and this is one of the ways I can use my skill, knowledge and experience for the good of others.

I have created a Work From Home program to help people get started. This program is FREE.

Please feel free to share with others that you think might need some assistance.

I will be adding content to this program daily and would love to help with immediate needs or concerns. Please send me any questions you have or something you are struggling with so I can help you.

You can submit your questions to this facebook group or send me an email.

Take Action: Be Your Own Boss — Figure Out What Works For You

  1. Sign Up for the Work From Home Program
  2. Join the facebook group today

If you have any questions or there is any way I can help you during this difficult time please let me know.

Until next time,

Originally published at janetlewis.com.

I research and write all my content, so if this article has helped you in any way and you would like to support my work, you can at 👇




Janet Lewis

Entrepreneur, Problem Solver and Eternal Optimist.Experienced founder and business owner in ecommerce and eLearning.